Hi All (weekly wrap up)

I have been a little busy this week; whoo and it’s only Wednesday! I have some time before class starts so I’m going to do a quick weekly wrap up post. Monday was my son’s second birthday; we didn’t get to do much but we did get him a cake and presents (the real party is this weekend). He loved the candles they were little leggos, and the cake I must saw was the best cake I’ve ever had. It was a grocery store cake but I dunno it tasted like a million dollar cake I swear; lasted only a couple hours between four people haha. I painted my nails Friday and it was my first time water marbling (post on that later). Yesterday I had to pick up my new foster Bun Bun; we’re still not sure if it’s a boy or girl but I’m suspecting it’s a boy. He is a cutie and very outgoing and energetic. He was giving my hand kisses last night; I feel I’m going to hate getting rid of him 😦

As soon as I got home I had to get Oreo to the vet to have her staple taking out and have the vet look over her spay scar. Healed up nicely and she’s ready for her new family. Tomorrow I’ll be driving to meet the family and give them Oreo; I’m going to miss that little bunny. I had another person inquire about her this morning too. The rescue saved a rabbit used for meat or fur but sadly we had to put him down.